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City Connections

city connections banner

Preparing students to live, work, connect, and contribute in the community.


CITY Connections is a community - based transition program for students ages 18 -21 who require continued education in order to meet the goals defined in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Post -secondary goals identified by the student, family, school team and community partners help design a program that can meet individual needs and help prepare students for life after graduation. CITY Connections East, West 1, West 2, North, and Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC 1 and CCAC 2) offer an age -appropriate learning environment, in the community, where student's post-secondary transition goals drive the IEP.

CITY Connections Sites

CITY Connections CCAC 1

Jones Hall, 808 Ridge Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Kelly Ammerman,Teacher  Phone: 412 -551 -4080


CITY Connections CCAC 2

Jones Hall, 808 Ridge Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Ashley Slaney, Teacher Phone: 412 -736 -9762


CITY Connections East 

6322 Forward Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Nicole Freyer, Teacher Phone: 412 -728 -3068


CITY Connections North

3450 California Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Jodi Newhouse, Teacher Phone: 412 -728 -3416


CITY Connections West 1

2945 Chartiers Ave.#1 Pittsburgh, PA 15204

Holly Pribilovich, Teacher Phone: 412 -728 -3469 


CITY Connections West 2

2945 Chartiers Ave.#2 Pittsburgh, PA 15204

Nancy Ziegler, Teacher 2-728-3460


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