Pittsburgh Sunnyside PreK-8
8:20 AM - 3:05 PM
4801 Stanton Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
(412) 529-2040
FAX (412) 665-2042
Staff Directory
About Our School
Pittsburgh Sunnyside PreK-8 is a neighborhood school located in Pittsburgh's Stanton Heights community. Based on extraordinary student achievement gains, Pittsburgh Sunnyside PreK-8 has earned the distinguished award of being a STAR, Students and Teachers Achieving Results, school in Pittsburgh Public School District. Pittsburgh Sunnyside provides a safe, healthy and accepting environment where students are encouraged by the school and community to reach their highest levels of achievement. All students have access to computers and iPads to enhance their learning with computer-assisted learning programs such as Compass Learning and First in Math. Pittsburgh Sunnyside PreK-8 has a school-wide Title 1 program, which focuses on student achievement in reading and math as well as parental and community involvement.
Sunnyside offers an array of opportunities for our students. Our related arts program offers world drumming and keyboarding for grades K-8, as well as instrumental music for grades 4-8. We have a partnership with the Pittsburgh Ballet that provides creative movement classes for our primary grade students. Our 5th grade students learn ballroom dancing and compete in a competition sponsored by Mercy Behavioral Health. Additionally, there is a school play written by one of our teachers every year offering students the opportunity to participate in an on stage production. If sports are an interest, we offer intramurals for our students in grades 4 and 5 and athletic teams for grades 6-8 including: soccer, cross-country, baseball, volleyball and basketball.
Sunnyside students have the opportunity to participate in various clubs such as ceramic arts, archery, electronics, wellness, culture, and girl talk, during activity periods. We maintain partnerships with FamilyLinks, Mercy Behavioral Health, The Pittsburgh Ballet, the Carnegie Library Blast Program, and Reading for Fundamental (RIF), the Power Up Program, Adagio Health and Carnegie Mellon University. Sunnyside has an after school YMCA Program through the YMCA that is available for students until 6pm on Monday-Friday.