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Pittsburgh Colfax K-8




8:20 AM - 3:05 PM


2332 Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15217


(412) 529-3525

 FAX (412) 422-4896

Staff Directory


About Our School

Pittsburgh Colfax K-8 is a neighborhood school nestled in the heart of the Squirrel Hill community. Colfax serves students living in parts of Squirrel Hill, East Hills, Homewood, Shadyside, and Point Breeze. In addition to a comprehensive academic core program, students who are assessed and meet district criteria established have access to gifted education at the Pittsburgh Gifted Center. Other offerings include English Language Learning Support, Speech and Language itinerant services, Instructional Support, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. Our students also have access to a school swimming pool that is utilized in grades 3-8 within their physical education classes.  

We are committed to providing an opportunity for all children to learn within a safe, caring atmosphere designed to nurture the spirit and stimulate the intellect. With our total commitment to children, we feel we are succeeding in our mission to provide an enriching educational experience preparing our students to achieve academically, socially, and personally, so that they can succeed in all aspects of life. 

Activities at Colfax K-8 are tailored by grade level and include Chess Club, Challenge 24 Club, Chorus, yearbook, student council, Reading and Math tutoring, First in Math, fourth and fifth grade basketball and swimming, Middle Level Clubs, Girls on the Run, Student Envoy, Middle School Interscholastic Sports include boys' and girls' soccer, basketball, swimming, and cross country. Colfax has partnerships with the Jewish Community Center, Pittsburgh Chess Club, Grow Pittsburgh, Frick Environmental Center, Frick Art and History Museum, Allderdice, Mercy Behavioral Health, University of Pittsburgh, and UPMC.