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Pittsburgh Carmalt PreK-8




9:10 AM - 3:55 PM


1550 Breining St, Pittsburgh, PA 15234


(412) 529-7760

 FAX (412) 885-7764

Staff Directory

About Our School

Pittsburgh Carmalt is a uniform whole school Magnet located in Pittsburgh's Brookline neighborhood that specializes in Science and Technology.  Science and technology are integrated throughout the school day to prepare students for our ever-changing world. Technology and science instruction begins with students in Kindergarten and progresses through the eighth (8th) grade. Certified science and technology educators teach specific grade-level classes. Technology classes extend beyond basic computer science skills and engage students in coding and engineering opportunities.  Educational technology is used in a one-to-one format in all class subjects to support, reinforce, and enrich learning and skill mastery. Teaching and learning are also enhanced by the use of Smart Boards and large touch screens at each grade-level.  A new STEAM course is now offered to all students in Grades K-5 and S.E.A. (Science, Enrichment & Academic) Club Time continues to be offered to all students in Grades 1-8, promoting student choice in learning driven by the integration of the arts and social-emotional learning opportunities.  Our  approach to learning leads our students to dream, discover, grow, and achieve. 

Structured support and accountability is key to Carmalt student success. We strive to provide a learning environment where all children can learn when expectations are set to the highest level and commitment to student achievement is uncompromising. Friendliness, Integrity, Respect and Engagement are valued as vital components of personal growth for everyone.  F.I.R.E. represents our school-wide academic and behavior expectations, (PBIS). Social-emotional learning is taught and reinforced daily, along with a semester challenge centered on focal social-emotional competencies efficacy.  Carmalt’s SEL Champions are selected based on practicing and exhibiting the monthly social-emotional learning competency.  Student voice leads our community of learners through the Student Envoy advisory for both Grades 3-5 & Grades 6-8.  The Student Envoy provides students a space to lead change at both the school and district levels.  

Additionally, Carmalt offers soccer, flag-football, cross country and basketball sport teams for Grades 6-8, and intramurals for students in Grades 3-5.  Students participate in many activities, including chorus, STEM Stars, Strong Women, Strong Girls, Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair, SECTUM, Pittsburgh Opera Theatre Tots, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Artist Teaching Residency, and Pittsburgh's CLO Vision Program. 

