Pittsburgh Spring Hill K-5
About Our School
Pittsburgh Spring Hill K-5 is a neighborhood school located in Pittsburgh's Spring Hill community. Pittsburgh Spring Hill K-5 is the home of COMP MAN! and COMP DOG! The school hosts a VIP Ribbon Program that recognizes excellence in academics, citizenship, attendance, and behavior. We have school-wide behavioral "Shining Star" monthly awards, "I Read to the Principal"and "the Principal Says I'm a Math Wizard" programs, and the Caught Being Good program. Title I services are provided to all students.
Spring Hill also has Friday Clubs for chorus, intramural sports, 24 Challenge Math Game, our gardening project and the school newsletter. We have partnerships with ESB Bank, Sarah Heinz House, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Opera Connections, Spring Hill Civic Association; Reading is Fundamental Program, Carnegie Library's BLAST Program, Mercy Behavioral Health, D.A.R.E., Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Discover Books, Strong Women Strong Girls, CitiParks, and The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.