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Pittsburgh Phillips K-5



9:10 AM - 3:55 PM


1901 Sarah St, Pittsburgh, PA 15203


(412) 529-5190

 FAX   (412) 488-4200

Staff Directory

About Our School

Pittsburgh Phillips K-5 is located in the heart of Pittsburgh's South Side neighborhood. Strong parental support, a talented and committed team of teachers, and a positive school climate serve as the foundation of a thriving school community. Pittsburgh Phillips K-5 is a Spanish Emphasis Magnet School. As a partial magnet, we enroll neighborhood students and also accept students from across the city of Pittsburgh through the annual magnet lottery. All students at Pittsburgh Phillips receive direct Spanish language instruction throughout the week that extends and enriches the core curriculum. Students also benefit from incidental and daily contact with the Spanish language. Four of our staff members are certified or proficient in Spanish. All students at Pittsburgh Phillips receive music, art, and gym. 4th and 5th grade students may also take instrumental music. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of before or after school programs. All students at Pittsburgh Phillips benefit from resources granted for reading and math instruction through the federally funded Title I program. 

Our staff not only sets high expectations for all students by delivering differentiated instruction, but also embraces the three foci of our PBIS system: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, as a philosophy that teaches social responsibility and character development. Students earn Falcon tickets daily in addition to the monthly FUNction incentive and Falcon Store shopping day. Pittsburgh Phillips K-5 is a caring, inclusive environment where strong communication among staff and administration provides a scaffolding to ensure success for all students and teachers.
