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Pittsburgh Montessori PreK-5



9:10 AM - 3:55 PM


201 S Graham St, Pittsburgh, PA 15206


(412) 529-2010

 FAX  (412) 665-2038

Staff Directory

About Our School

Pittsburgh Montessori School PreK-5th grade is a public Montessori Magnet School that serves children of PreK (starting at 3 years of age) through 5th grade. The school is located in the heart of Pittsburgh's Friendship community, a diverse and vibrant neighborhood. The school campus has terrific grounds including a fenced and paved play area, beautiful shade trees, a peace garden and an edible garden! 

Our vision at Pittsburgh Montessori is to perpetuate the Montessori philosophy in a peaceful learning environment while utilizing curriculum adopted by the Pittsburgh Public School District.  As a matter of fact, we are the only full public Montessori school in the State of Pennsylvania. We believe that through our work with children, there is much that we can do individually and collectively to bring humanity to a deeper understanding, a higher well-being. We pride ourselves in aligning Montessori pedagogy with Culturally Relevant Teaching strategies. The faculty, staff, students, parents and community of Pittsburgh Montessori School embrace the Montessori method to educate our children in a public-school setting. Our mission is to respect each child by providing a peaceful environment that fosters self-directed learning, encourages creative thinking, and cultivates a love for lifelong learning.

Pittsburgh Montessori offers many extracurricular activities, including upper school basketball teams and track. During the school day, community building activities include: Peace council, Student Envoy, Garden Club, and Chess Club. Before and after school care is available through a private care provider approved by the District. 
