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Pittsburgh Beechwood PreK-5



9:10AM - 3:55PM


810 Rockland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15216


 (412) 529-7390

 FAX   (412) 571-7393

Staff Directory


About Our School

Pittsburgh Beechwood PreK-5 is a neighborhood school located in Pittsburgh's Beechview community. Pittsburgh Beechwood's strong academic curriculum emphasizes attainment of standards and early success especially in literacy, mathematics and science. Beechwood is a regional English as a Second Language site. We also house two regional Life Skills classrooms. Our Instructional Focus is "We ROAR (Reading Often Achieves Results) for Reading." Monthly ROAR assemblies celebrate our enthusiasm for reading with performances by our own ROAR cheerleaders, songs and dramatics. An annual Artist in Residency program through Pittsburgh Center for the Arts has transformed our school into a student art museum reflecting the different cultures of our school as well as features of our community. Each May the projects culminate in a community and school celebration, Nationality Night. Over 600 families and friends attend this annual event to enjoy student musical performances and visit the displays created by Beechwood students.

Some of the student's activities include: Art club, Chess Club, Civic Light Opera School Program, Pittsburgh Public Theater Creative Dramatics, Drama Club, Lego Club, After School Sports, Instrumental Music, Concerts, Garden Club, Safety Patrol, SECTUM Energy Patrol, Basketball, Track, Writer's Club, ROAR Cheerleaders, and School Store. Partnerships include Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh History and Landmarks, Familylinks, and Community Leaders United for Beechview (CLUB).