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Pittsburgh Perry High School




7:40 AM - 2:40 PM


3875 Perrysville Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15214


(412) 529-3400

FAX (412) 323-3404

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About Our School

Perry Traditional Academy is a neighborhood school with partial magnet programs located on Pittsburgh’s North Side.  Perry is a student-centered learning community committed to the success of all learners through positive and rigorous educational experiences and individualized supports.  Perry prides itself on its high standards, innovative programs, and long-standing tradition of excellence.

As a learning community, Perry commits itself to educating whole students by accommodating their academic, emotional, and social needs.  Our mission is to create a high school where all students thrive, feel safe, and have a place they belong—a school that prepares students to accomplish their dreams and succeed at whatever comes next, be it college and/or career.  Our vision is to ensure all Perry graduates are college, career, and life ready.  Perry students and alumni will making significant contributions to their families and communities by living up to our school’s motto, “Knowledge for Service.”

Perry is organized as three (3) schools in one academy.  Students commit to one or more schools (majors) prior to the end of ninth grade or upon transfer in grades 10, 11, or 12.  Numerous industry-recognized certification and advanced post-secondary credit options are available to all Perry students, including associate degrees.  Perry’s schools are as follows:  (1) Liberal Arts – STEAM magnet option available, (2) Career & Technical Education, and (3) Service & Military Science.

Perry proudly offers the JROTC all-city magnet program.  JROTC emphasizes citizenship, character development, leadership development, and community service.  JROTC cadets received instruction on leadership, drill instruction and ceremonies, military customs, uniform inspections, physical fitness training, marksmanship, and military history.  

Perry also offers two Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study:  Cosmetology and Health Careers Technology.  CTE course offerings will be expanded in upcoming years to better accommodate students and the workforce needs of the Greater Pittsburgh Area.  All CTE programs are fully accredited by the Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of CTE.  Students who participate in CTE programs receive rigorous and hands-on industry-recognized training with pathways to community service, work-based learning, college/university credit articulations, union apprenticeships, and job placements.  

Perry employs a Standard Delivery Model for ninth graders:  All matriculating ninth graders take a standard slate of courses, which indoctrinates to high-school-level studies and professional (or soft) skills requisite for college, career, and life readiness.  Standard ninth-grade courses are as follows:  

A. Computer Foundations (.5 credit)

B. Digital Citizenship (.5 credit)

C. Microsoft Office Applications (.5 credit)

D. Skills for Life (.5 credit)

E. *STEAM 9/10 (1 credit):  Reserved for newly enrolled pupils of the STEAM magnet

Perry Traditional Academy alumni number in the thousands.  Our graduates consistently make outstanding contributions to their communities, families, and professions, therefore, living up to their alma mater’s motto, “Knowledge for Service.”  Welcome aboard, Commodore!  You are joining an exclusive crew founded on nearly a century of excellence.  We are excited to see where your voyage takes you.  Salute! 

Forged in excellence for nearly a century, we are Perry Traditional Academy.  Blue Steel!