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Pittsburgh Carrick High School




7:40 AM - 2:40 PM


125 Parkfield St, Pittsburgh, PA 15210


(412) 529-7700 

FAX (412) 885-7708

Staff Directory

About Our School

Pittsburgh Carrick High School is a comprehensive neighborhood school located in Pittsburgh's Carrick community. Our mission is to ensure that all graduates are "Promise-Ready" and prepared with a plan for school, work, or additional training. A dedicated faculty and staff include several National Board Certified Teachers and Evaluators. In addition to programs at the Advanced Placement (AP), gifted (CAS), scholars (PSP), Special Education (PSE), and standard academic levels, Carrick offers a variety of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Students who complete the CTE programs in accordance with the Chapter 339 programming and time requirements may obtain the CTE certification.

Pittsburgh Carrick High School offers a full range of interscholastic, intramural, and co-curricular clubs including varsity sports, school plays, marching band, steel drums, indoor guard, majorettes, percussion competition units, and community service projects. Students have an opportunity to participate in a variety of academic competitions such as the African American History Bowl. A strong, award-winning arts program is supported by partnerships with Manchester Craftsmen's Guild. Pittsburgh Carrick's Marching Band has been named the "Best City Band" for the Labor Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Veteran's Day Parades.
