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Pittsburgh Allderdice High School



Allderdice Dragon



7:40 AM - 2:40 PM


2409 Shady Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217


(412) 529-4800

 FAX (412) 224-6074

Staff Directory


About Our School

Pittsburgh Allderdice High School is a neighborhood school with a partial Engineering Magnet program.  Allderdice is located in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill community with a culturally diverse student body and a reputation for rigorous college preparatory classes. Approximately 1,500 students attend the school, from diverse communities throughout the city of Pittsburgh. 

Pittsburgh Allderdice has a culture of high achievement, well-roundedness, and celebrating diversity.  There are a wide array of academic programs that are offered at the gifted (CAS) level.  The Engineering Magnet program encourages students to work individually to learn scientific principles and then work in groups to apply what they have learned to hands-on projects. The program develops skills in critical thinking, problem solving, oral presentation, data analysis, technical writing, CAD and other engineering software. Allderdice has numerous math, science, Career and Technical Education (CTE) options for students to complement their engineering classes and strengthen their college preparedness and Promise-Readiness. In the Pre-Engineering Magnet program at Allderdice, students will analyze problems, design and build solutions, test their products and present their creations. Students will have access to mentoring, career seminars and enriching programs that extend their learning from the classroom to the workplace for exposure to engineering careers.

In order to meet all of our students’ needs, we offer Promise Ready Corps for all 9th and 10th grade students.  Our CTE program offers HVAC training and certification for interested students. To complement its academic programs, Pittsburgh Allderdice offers a full range of interscholastic, intramural, and co-curricular clubs reflecting the diversity of its students' backgrounds and interests.  Parent and community stakeholders play a critical role in our daily work. Pittsburgh Allderdice is generously supported by active groups of parents, alumni, and business and community organizations. Current support includes ongoing Partnerships in Education with Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.  Pittsburgh Allderdice High School provides many opportunities to encourage parents to partner with us in their child’s education through parent conferences, open house, “Back to School Night”, “Discover Allderdice”, and other family events.  Our Parent School Community Council (PSCC) meets monthly and includes parents and members of community organizations.  The benefits to our students from these partnerships are invaluable and have provided these organizations the opportunity to become a part of our school.

Pittsburgh Allderdice High School commits to provide an environment where all students can achieve academic excellence and excel in all aspects of life while being challenged to reach high academic standards, become lifelong learners and contributing members of their current and future communities.