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Pittsburgh Southhills 6-8



7:40 AM - 2:40 PM


595 Crane Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15216


(412) 529-8130

 FAX  (412) 572-8148

Staff Directory

About Our School

Established in 1996, South Hills Middle School is a comprehensive, grades 6-8 middle school located in the Beechview neighborhood of Pittsburgh.  It draws students primarily from the South Hills and portions of the West End.  Its core curriculum is enhanced by an array of electives and related arts courses, including art, health, music, physical education, STEAM, and the following world languages:  French, Italian, Russian and Spanish. 

South Hills is also a regional English as a Second Language program site and is home to over 100 English Language Learners.  South Hills is proudly one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse schools in Pittsburgh.  Above all, it is a Pittsburgh Public Schools STAR School, which means that its students, teachers, and staff achieve great results.      

Since middle school is meant to bridge the gap between elementary and secondary schools, South Hills students are taught to manage their personal and scholastic endeavors responsibly in preparation for high school.  Students may participate in an assortment of extracurricular activities and interscholastic sports.  The school ensures that students receive wrap-around support via its Student Services department, as well as its Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports system, the Student Assistance Program, the school's Restorative Practice delivery model, and after-school programming.  

Welcome to the pack, huskies!  We are excited to see where your developmental and educational adventures take you. 


Mascot:  The Huskies

School colors:  Teal, orange, and black

Structure:  An interdisciplinary-teamed and departmentalized grades 6, 7, and 8 comprehensive middle school

  • We treat everyone with dignity and respect. 
  • Bridging the gap and leading the husky pack, we are South Hills! 
