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Pittsburgh Schiller 6-8



8:40AM - 3:25PM


1018 Peralta St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212


(412) 529-4190

 FAX  (412) 323-4192

Staff Directory

About Our School


Pittsburgh Schiller is a STEAM Magnet School serving students in grades six, seven, and eight.  The school is located on the north side of the city of Pittsburgh at the foot of Troy and Spring Hill. 

Schiller STEAM Academy is named in honor of Frederick Von Schiller, a German poet and philosopher. Architects M. M. Steen, C. L. Wooldridge, and G. P. Ellis designed the school. The school was built in 1941 for a cost just under 500,000 dollars and was originally opened as an elementary school.  The physical plant is small with 18 classrooms on two floors. 

The Pittsburgh Schiller STEAM Academy magnet provides a rigorous academic program and also involves STEAM- focused curriculum in all classes, as well as a STEAM Lab utilized by all students.


The core values of the Schiller school community include the belief that all students can learn to high standards and that rich experiences in the arts and career education are necessary to prepare students for life and work in a diverse and rapidly changing society.

At Schiller, students are expected to be present and on time for school and all classes, to behave respectfully towards all others and to work to the best of their ability at all times.

The motto of the school is "Character is higher than intellect."


The faculty is a community of learners and is committed to a continual process of self-reflection and improvement of practice.  The school implements a series of on-going professional development for staff and encourages all staff members to take advantage of extensive professional development opportunities offered by the district and the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers. 


Pittsburgh Schiller 6-8 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Academy is a partial Magnet Program located on Pittsburgh's North Side. Pittsburgh Schiller's mission is to educate every child to high standards in a safe, orderly, and caring school environment. 

Pittsburgh Schiller uses the PBIS Model, and we incorporate STRONG (Self-Disciplined, Team-Oriented, Respectful, On task, Nice, Growing Daily) into all aspects of our day. Schiller uses a token economy system that allows the students to earn Stallion Cash as a reward for positive behavior, and they have an opportunity to shop at our school store several times per month to earn incentives.

Students are also given an outlet to show their creative and athletic side by participation in stimulating after school activities, clubs, and sports. Pittsburgh Schiller provides students with numerous extracurricular activities, sports, and outstanding community partnerships to enrich student learning. Activities include: Yearbook, African American History Challenge Bowl, Positive Spin, and many more. Schiller students are also afforded the opportunity to showcase their athletic talent in such sports as boys and girls cross country, basketball, soccer and soccer. Many of our students participate in after-school programs at the Sarah Heinz House, which is conveniently located right across the street. Unique partnerships with Big Brothers / Big Sisters, Carnegie Science Center, and Mercy Behavioral Health Services round out Pittsburgh Schiller's enrichment opportunities for students.


The Schiller administration and faculty recognize that effective partnerships with the home and community are key components in maximizing academic success for all students.  The faculty and staff are committed to maintaining strong lines of communication with the home to provide parents and guardians with timely information regarding the progress of their children.

A meeting for all parents, guardians, faculty and staff is held at the beginning of the school year to discuss the most recent achievement data, the meaning of performance levels, and instructional priorities.  Regular communication is also facilitated by the preparation and distribution of a monthly newsletter and school calendar.

The Schiller Parent School Community Council meets on a monthly basis to review the practices and policies of the school, share information on the school curriculum and program, and plan activities to support the continued achievement of all students in the school.

Thank you for visiting our website. Check back for monthly calendar, newsletter, and student spotlight!
