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Pittsburgh Arsenal 6-8



8:40AM - 3:25PM


220 40th St, Pittsburgh, PA 15201


(412) 529-5740

 FAX (412) 622-5743

Staff Directory

About Our School

Pittsburgh Arsenal 6-8 is an English as a Second Language (ESL) regional center and provides support for students new to English Language while providing access to the mainstream curriculum. We are a small neighborhood school that provides all of the educational resources and opportunities of a comprehensive middle school in Pittsburgh's Lawrenceville community. Our students represent over twenty-six countries, including Kenya, Somalia, Burundi, Japan, China and Mexico and provide a diverse student population where students learn to acknowledge and appreciate various cultures. At Arsenal, students work together and develop leadership skills that prepare them for the Pittsburgh Promise. Every student is provided a challenging curriculum that teaches the habits of the mind necessary for higher achievement in all content areas. While all students enter Arsenal with varying levels of achievement, our goal is to strengthen and improve every student's academic performance in preparation for high school.

Students at Pittsburgh Arsenal 6-8 are provided intensive enrichment and academic support to increase reading and math proficiency. Students have access to 90-minute English/Language Arts and Mathematics classes, as well as in-school tutoring programs that allow teachers additional time to focus on individual student needs. Our students have demonstrated consistent success in mathematics and reading and have access to Algebra 1, as well as computer-based learning opportunities to strengthen basic skills. In addition to our core curriculum classes of Science and Social Studies, students also have the opportunity to engage in Art, Music, Library Skills and Physical Education for a balanced schedule that includes a focus on health and arts appreciation. 

Pittsburgh Arsenal 6-8 offers a complete sports program including basketball, soccer, cross-country, volleyball, swimming, flag-football and wrestling. In addition, Arsenal 6-8 offers in-school Social Emotional Learning activities in Art, Music and Technology and various physical activities through community partnerships. Mentoring is also available through Big Brothers/Big Sister's, Gwen's Girls, Mawatu, and Expect Respect during each week for interested students in grades 6-8. East End Cooperative Ministries also offers mentoring that extends beyond the school day into the community. Arsenal 6-8 is also focused on positive self-image and healthy decisions. We maintain a CHAMP program through Children's Hospital and have on-site access to Children's Hospital nurses and services. Mercy Behavioral Health and Family Links provides a variety of social skills groups and therapeutic options to assist students in need.
