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#PPS Families December 2024

“One of my greatest joys as a teacher is working with former students who enter education.”

Pittsburgh CAPA English teacher, Mrs. Bosser met Alexa in 2004. Enrolled in both her CAS English and Yearbook classes, Alexa remembered that her teacher played absolutely no games and facilitated the best discussions when it came to studying literature. “You didn’t show up to Mrs. Bosser’s class as only her student; you had to show up as a reader and leader in justifying the perspective you offered.”

What neither of them knew back then was Alexa would return to her alma mater as a student teacher, substitute teacher, eventually climbing the professional ladder as proud principal of Pittsburgh Carmalt K-8.

all started at Pittsburgh Public Schools, where Alexa met inspiring teachers like Mrs. Bosser. “Sharing students and mentoring her as she flourished as an educator was incredibly rewarding. Now, as a district principal, Alexa positively impacts hundreds of students each year.”

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