- Who is eligible for transportation?
- How is mileage measured?
- My child has special needs - who do I contact?
- How is my child assigned to a bus?
- When will I be told the pick up time for my child’s bus stop?
- When will I be notified of my child’s stop for the new school year?
- What if the bus is late or does not come?
- How will I know if there is a school delay or closing?
- I am interested in applying to a magnet school. Will my child receive transportation?
- My child is enrolled in Pre-K is he/she eligible for transportation?
- I am considering a PS 6 school transfer. Will my child receive transportation?
- What if I move during the school year and don’t want to change schools? Will my child continue to receive transportation to his/her current school?
- What if my child is not eligible for transportation, but I think the area is unsafe for her/him to walk?
- What if my child needs transportation for a medical condition?
Who is eligible for transportation?
Regular Education Transportation:
Students with Exceptionalities Transportation:
How is mileage measured?
Per 24 PS 13-1366 of Pennsylvania Public School Code, All such distances shall be computed by the public highway from the nearest point where a private way or private road connects the dwelling house of the pupil with the highway to the nearest point where said highway touches the school grounds of the school to which the pupil has been assigned.
My child has special needs - who do I contact?
Parents/guardians should contact the Students with Exceptionalities office at 412-529-3132 to discuss eligibility guidelines.
How is my child assigned to a bus?
When will I be told the pick up time for my child’s bus stop?
When will I be notified of my child’s stop for the new school year?
What if the bus is late or does not come?
Students are expected to be at the designated pickup location 10 minutes prior to pickup time and to wait until at least 20 minutes after scheduled pickup time. If the bus comes within that time period and the child misses the bus, it is the parents’ responsibility to transport child to school. If the bus is late or does not come, refer to your School Bus Number (ex. L401) located on your transportation mailer and contact the carrier garage (phone numbers are on the mailer and on PPS website) for more information. If after speaking to the garage staff you are still not satisfied, contact the Transportation office at 412-529-8125.
How will I know if there is a school delay or closing?
We will make every effort to place the update on local television and radio stations as soon as possible. You may also visit our District's home page or contact the Parent Hotline at 412-529-HELP.
If my child attends a magnet school will he/she receive transportation?
My child is enrolled in Pre-K. Is he/she eligible for transportation?
I am considering a PS 6 school transfer for my child. Will my child receive transportation?
No. A PS 6 transfer precludes transportation.
What if I move during the school year and don’t want to change schools. Will my child continue to receive transportation to his/her current school?