Credit Recovery
Pittsburgh Public Schools Online Credit Recovery FAQ
When is the deadline to register for Period 10 Credit Recovery, Summer Credit Recovery, or Period 10?
Your child should contact their school counselor for pertinent deadlines.
Who is eligible for Period 10 Credit Recovery?
Any 9th – 12th grade student who receives a final failing mark in a course needed to graduate and receive a diploma could register for Period 10 Credit Recovery.
Who is eligible for Summer Credit Recovery?
Any 9th – 12th grade student who receives a final failing mark in a course needed to graduate and receive a diploma would be eligible to register for Summer Credit Recovery.
All students needing Summer Credit Recovery are eligible for the first summer session where a maximum of two credits (four semester classes) may be earned in the 20–day session, and all work will be completed remotely using the online Edgenuity software.
Who is eligible for “Special 12”?
The “Special 12” credit recovery session will be available to only seniors who need to earn up to an additional credit (two semester classes) to complete their graduation requirements. They may do so by attending this second “Special 12” session.
How many courses can I take?
For Period 10, students may take up to two courses or 1 credit during the Period 10 timeline.
For Summer Credit Recovery, students may take up to four courses or 2 credits during the summer school timeline.
For “Special 12”, senior students may take an additional 2 courses or 1 credit during the special 12 session timeline.
What are the attendance requirements?
Students work remotely from their home. Students must devote at least 2 hours per day per course to complete the course work in the allotted timeline.
What about PSE students and those with a 504 Plan?
PSE students will be assigned to a special education teacher to help with the curriculum and course completion. Students with a 504 plan will be supported by a regular education teacher with details.
What is the cost for the program?
There is no fee for this program.
How will my credits be calculated?
Students are provided with a grade for each credit recovery course completed. Repeating a course to receive credit in a class that was previously failed will not remove the previous mark from the permanent record. A ½ credit will be awarded for the successful completion of any make-up course.
What happens to my transcript and the grade I first received in the failed course?
The prior grade received in the class you are making up will not be edited or removed from your transcript. The new credit recovery grade will appear on the transcript. For example, if you received a failing grade in English 1A during the 2022-23 school year and receive a “B” in the Period 10 Credit Recovery course for English 1A, you will have two English 1A grades on your transcript (the original grade and the newly earned “B”).
Additional information will be provided upon individual registration.