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Charter School Annual Budgets

Charter schools do not charge students tuition- they receive the majority of funding from their students' resident school districts. The amount a charter school receives is based upon a statutory funding formula, which requires tuition rates for both non-special and special education students. During the 2024-2025 school year, the per pupil tuition paid by the School District of Pittsburgh is $21,558.61 for non-special education students, $49,324.04 for brick & mortar special education students, and $41,451.04 for cyber charter special education students.  


For more information on charter school funding, please use the following link Section 1725-A of the Pennsylvania Public School Code . Links to individual school budgets can be found below.

Charter schools do not charge students tuition- they receive the majority of funding from their students' resident school districts. The amount a charter school receives is based upon a statutory funding formula, which requires tuition rates for both nonspecial and special education students. During the 2020-2021 school year, the per pupil tution paid by the School District of Pittsburgh is $17,898.09 for nonspecial education students and $42,851.39 for special education students.  


For more information on charter school funding, please use the following link Section 1725-A of the Pennsylvania Public School Code . Links to individual school budgets can be found below.