Data, Research, Evaluation and Assessment
The Data, Research, Evaluation and Assessment Department will...
- Support students, teachers, principals, and district leaders by providing reporting and data necessary to make educational decisions for our students.
- Support Pittsburgh families by sharing relevant information and transparency so families can make the best educational choices for their children.
- Support the Pittsburgh community by providing a comprehensive reporting system with educationally relevant information.
- Establishing and managing data governance processes with appropriate rules for accessing data and protecting student privacy.
The Office of Research and Evaluation will provide support by…
- Reviewing and fulfilling all data requests from internal and external stakeholders.
- Reviewing and monitoring research being conducted throughout the PPS community.
- Facilitating a monthly review board for determining whether or not new research requests are in the best interest of the PPS community.
- Accessing data via a centralized data warehouse.
- Publishing data dashboards for internal stakeholders to monitor school and organizational operations.
- Providing data dashboards available to the public as an effort to promote transparency.
- Supporting schools and central office staff around data use and inquiry research.
The Office of Data and Accountability will provide student data support by…
- Overseeing and completing data quality control processes and completing forensic examination of existing data to ensure accuracy and consistency with state and federal requirements.
- Overseeing the correction of any data entry errors and establishing proper protocols for working through anomalies found within the data.
- Providing direct support to Area Network Assistant Superintendents for Student Information System needs.
- Providing support to Schools Data Support Specialists.
- Completing state mandated information requests through the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS).
- Establishing appropriate procedures for obtaining state mandated information requests.
The Office of Assessment will provide assessment and testing support by…
- Working with Curriculum personnel to ensure tools are available to develop high quality, purposeful assessments.
- Implementing improvements to the assessment portfolio that include multiple assessment and item types, authentic assessments and performance tasks.
- Securing technology that fosters more efficient assessment development and administration processes.
- Ensuring timely delivery of assessment results.
- Developing materials and resources to enhance and support assessment literacy for the entire PPS community.
- Implementing regular assessment communication to the entire PPS community.
The Office of Charter Schools will provide charter accountability support by…
- Monitoring performance of all City of Pittsburgh Charter Schools.
- Monitoring Charter Schools for adherence to charter agreements under the Pennsylvania Charter School Law, they must:
- Improve student learning
- Increase learning opportunities for all students
- Encourage the use of different and innovative teaching methods
- Create new professional opportunities for teachers
- Provide parents and students with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system
- Be accountable for meeting measurable academic standards