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PDE Annual Reports

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PDE Annual Reports

To help facilitate the annual review of charter schools, which includes an annual site visit, charter schools are required to submit an Annual Report to its chartering school district(s) and PDE’s Division of Charter Schools no later than August 1 of each year. An Annual Report that does not provide sufficient information in each required area will be considered incomplete. Failure by a charter school to submit an Annual Report to a chartering school district in a timely and complete manner may constitute a material violation of the charter. 

Annual Reports, by year, for each PPS chartered school are below.


2022-2023 Charter School Annual Reports

Catalyst Academy

City Charter

The Environmental Charter School

Manchester Academic 

Passport Academy

Propel Hazelwood

Propel Northside


The New Academy

Urban Academy

Urban Pathways 6-12

Urban Pathways K-5