Budget Dashboard
Budget & Finance
The Chief Financial Officer provides oversight of the Division of Budget and Finance, which is responsible for Budget Development, Finance, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Procurement, and Risk Management.
This Budget Development office is responsible for the management of all current budgets and development of future budgets for the School District of Pittsburgh, primarily the General Fund Budget, Special Education Budget, Site-Based Budgets, Supplemental Funds, Capital Projects and Food Service. Site-Based budgeting is utilized at all elementary, middle and secondary schools. All supplement-funded programs are developed under the auspices of this office. These programs include Title I, Head Start, Special Education, Support Services, Academic & Career Development and all programs funded by foundations.
The Office of Finance Operations is responsible for the management of all expenditure reporting and auditing - following federal, state and Board Policy guidelines. Annual reports, audits and presentations to the public through the Business and Finance Committee are regular activities for this office.