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Examples, Ideas, and Printable Brain Breaks

Examples, Ideas, and Brain Breaks

Evidence-based research done by Dr. Chuck Hillman (shown above), Dr. John Medina, Dr. John Ratey, and multiple others through

Evidence-based research done by Dr. Chuck Hillman (shown to the right), Dr. John Medina, Dr. John Ratey, and multiple others throughout the field have proven that physical activity before learning and assessment promotes various beneficial factors for the brain, a person's cognition, retention, attention, concentration, problem solving, and much more

Evidence-based research done by Dr. Chuck Hillman (shown above), Dr. John Medina, Dr. John Ratey, and multiple others through

Evidence-based research done by Dr. Chuck Hillman (shown to the right), Dr. John Medina, Dr. John Ratey, and multiple others throughout the field have proven that physical activity before learning and assessment promotes various beneficial factors for the brain, a person's cognition, retention, attention, concentration, problem solving, and much more