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Staff Nutrition, Sleep, and Other Health Resources

Staff Nutrition, Hydration, and Sleep Resources


Nutrition Resources

UPMC- NutriNews

Provides a nutrition newsletter with information about current nutrition topics, food reviews, healthful recipes, and cooking tips.

UPMC -Nutrition Services

Provides diet and nutrition information and counseling, medical nutrition therapy, and nutrition resources, including ask a dietitian

Adagio Health - Power Up

Provides opportunities for nutrition and cooking classes, lessons, workshops, cooking demonstrations, and much more

CDC - Nutrition Page

Provides information in regard to the importance/why it matters and how it makes a difference, nutrion information for infant and toddlers, strategies and guidelines, resources, tools, publications, and much more


This site provides a plethera of online resources and printable materials, including basic nutrition, tips, educational information, recipes, eating vegetarian, food safety, and much more

Penn State PRO Wellness

This site provides several resources in supports for education-based staff and their students regarding the following topics: Mental Wellness, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Physical Environment, and Programs


Additional Nutrition Resources for Families and Students

Sleep Resources for Staff, Families, and Students

Children Specific Sleep Resources


UPMC- NutriNews

Provides a nutrition newsletter with information about current nutrition topics, food reviews, healthful recipes, and cooking tips.

UPMC -Nutrition Services

Provides diet and nutrition information and counseling, medical nutrition therapy, and nutrition resources, including ask a dietitian

Adagio Health - Power Up

Provides opportunities for nutrition and cooking classes, lessons, workshops, cooking demonstrations, and much more

CDC - Nutrition Page

Provides information in regard to the importance/why it matters and how it makes a difference, nutrion information for infant and toddlers, strategies and guidelines, resources, tools, publications, and much more


This site provides a plethera of online resources and printable materials, including basic nutrition, tips, educational information, recipes, eating vegetarian, food safety, and much more

Penn State PRO Wellness

This site provides several resources in supports for education-based staff and their students regarding the following topics: Mental Wellness, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Physical Environment, and Programs


Additional Nutrition Resources for Families and Students

Sleep Resources for Staff, Families, and Students

Children Specific Sleep Resources