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Staff Mental Health and SEL Resources

Staff Mental Health and Social Emotional Learning Supports and Resources


Staff mental health and social emotional wellbeing are extremely important to Pittsburgh Public School. In order to be the best for our students, staff, colleagues, and family we must first take care of ourself. This means not only our physical health, but also our mental, emotional, and social health.

Staff Supports and Resources



Pittsburgh Public Schools Student Supports Services - Mental Health Resources

FREE Mindfulness Sites and Apps for those that work in education

Workpartners Webinars

This webpage provides FREE Upcoming and Recorded Webinars with quality information, discussions, and skills and strategies for a range of Mental, Social, Emotional, and Physical Health and Wellness areas. All webinars provide a recording within a few days of the event. Explore and find great self-care and supports for others and much more!


Headspace offers free access to teachers and supporting staff in the and provides premium content areas that include meditation, sleep, movement, and focus supports and resources. Additionally, if you can use the today and/or favorites to help with selecting instantly and in the future.

Whether you’re feeling inspired to connect more with your students or you’re looking for a new way to bring calm to your classroom, Headspace can help students build healthy habits that last a lifetime. Better focus, less stress, and happier thoughts are just a few minutes away.

Don't forget to also use the FREE App for your phone for to meet your needs anytime!

YoMind - JustMe

YoMind-JustMe provides updated mindfulness resources that can help bring the calm and focus to most anyone any age. Check out his free breathing and mindfulness videos