Title I Information
Title I, Part A is the largest single federal aid for elementary and secondary education. It is a grant that ensures all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging academic achievement standards that the State has set for all children.
There are two types of Title I programs: Targeted Assistance Programs and Schoolwide Programs. Which program a school would implement is dependent upon the percentage of students that receive free or reduced-price lunch in a school and how a school would like to function. Targeted Assistance schools typically have less than 40% of their students receiving a free or reduced-price lunch, while Schoolwide schools have 40% or more. Schoolwide programs have more flexibility to use Title I funds to upgrade the educational program while Targeted Assistance programs provide support to only students identified as academically eligible. All Title I schools in our District are Schoolwide Programs.
Components of a Title I Schoolwide Program:
- All Title I schools must complete a needs assessment and develop a comprehensive schoolwide plan.
- This plan must identify schoolwide reform strategies aligned with the needs assessment, that are evidence-based and provide opportunities for all children to meet the State's proficient or advanced levels of achievement.
- Provide instruction by appropriately state certified teachers, including paraprofessionals, according to the criteria set by the Every Student Succeeds Act.
- High quality ongoing professional development designed to address the needs of the school.
- Strategies to attract appropriately state certified teachers.
- Strategies to increase parent and family engagement.
- Strategies to help students transition from early childhood to kindergarten.
- Teachers are involved in the use of assessments and decisions are data driven.
- Timely academic assistance is provided for students who are experiencing difficulty attaining proficiency.
- Coordination and integration of federal, state and local resources and services.
Click here to see the District level Parent & Family Engagement Policy. Included within is the Title I Complaint Policy beginning on page 22.
To learn more about Title I please go to:
The United States Department of Education - here
Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Federal Programs - here