Parent School Community Councils (PSCC)
The Pittsburgh Public Schools’ philosophy on parent and family engagement is to help parents and families become full partners in their child’s educational experience through a variety of opportunities created collaboratively with the parents and the school. One way parents and families choose to participate at the school level is through their school’s Parent School Community Council (PSCC). PSCC meetings are monthly opportunities for parents and families, the community, school staff and sometimes students to discuss important topics related to the school and provide advice to the leadership of the school.
Through community involvement, we will achieve increased understanding, commitment, responsibility and satisfaction for the total school community. The model of Parent School Community Councils was first adopted by the Board of Directors in 1993 to serve as an advisory body to the principal regarding issues such as student achievement, increasing parent and community support for educational programs, school safety and dress codes. Today, they continue to serve in this capacity and provide direction and support to the school in the development and revision of its School Improvement plan. The School Improvement plan is a plan which focuses on Reading, Math, Safe and Orderly School Environment, and Parent/Community Engagement.
The School Involvement planning process involves:
- Defining the school’s mission, vision, beliefs and shared values
- Analyzing data and identifying strengths and weaknesses
- Setting long-range goals
- Developing a school improvement action plan
- Engaging in review and evaluation of the plan with the input of parents through the PSCC
At Pittsburgh Public Schools we know that we cannot function in a vacuum and that with the participation of all stakeholders we can achieve an educational environment in each school where every student will learn, experience success and become a responsible citizen. Each of us has a vital role to play and a major contribution to make if we are to achieve excellence.
Some of the benefits of serving on the Council include:
- The knowledge that you are improving education for all children
- Increased knowledge about the Pittsburgh Public School system
- An opportunity to learn from others who have a wide array of skills and experiences
- The opportunity to receive training on topics that can support you in your role as a Council member and as a community leader
- The opportunity to interact with the Principal, other parents and the community at large
Council Members are expected to actively serve a two year or longer term and adhere to the Guidelines for Involvement, which include:
- Assisting with the development of the School Plan for Excellence (Getting Results)
- Identifying additional training needs of your Council
- Establishing an effective public relations and communications system for the school
- Convening and chair at least one Council meeting
- Advising on school policies, programs and critical issues as determined by the Council agenda
- Making decisions based upon majority vote or consensus of those present at the public Council meetings
- Attending the Excellence for All parent steering committee meetings and report meeting minutes to the PSCC (1 to 4 parents from each school)
See the PSCC Handbook for more information.