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Family, Youth and Community Engagement


Pittsburgh Public Schools has demonstrated its commitment to family, youth, and community engagement by creating the Family, Youth, and Community Engagement team. The team exists within the Office of the Superintendent:
The team operates on a District-wide level and works on the following initiatives:
  • Annual PPS Parent Surveysent to the parents or guardians of all Pittsburgh Public Schools students to determine the parents' opinions and awareness of the District's efforts at the District and school-levels.
  • Community Schools: a partnership between the District, schools, families, and community resources to holistically support students and promote student achievement.
  • Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Coordinatorsschool-based staff members in every school who collaborate with school staff, parents and family members, and community organizations to provide a network of support for students.  
  • Parent Advisory Councilthe District's central mechanism for ensuring that parents are well-informed about Pittsburgh Public Schools matters and that they have the opportunity to help develop District-level programming and policy and share information with District staff. 
  • Parent & Family Engagement Policy: the District outlines its commitment to parent and family engagement in a Board-approved policy and convenes a subcommittee on an annual basis that includes parents to review the policy.
  • Parent Hotline: while the District's Information and Technology Department supports the operational aspects of the Parent Hotline, this office supports Office of School Performance with the customer service and call resolution aspects, including staff and school support, advanced problem solving, parent outreach and ongoing monitoring.
  • Parent School Community Council (PSCC): an advisory group in every school for all interested individuals that meets monthly to provide input and guidance to the principal on school-related topics.
  • Public Hearing: facilitates and provides follow-up communication to constituents who have testified at the Public Hearing.
  • Student Advisory Council: a District-wide leadership opportunity for elected students to share the interests and concerns of students at their schools with PPS administration and provide input on school and District initiatives.
  • Take A Father To School Day: in conjunction with the PPS Board Sponsor, the District’s Public Information Office, school staff, and community partners, assist with organizing this family and community engagement event in all schools.

Best Practices for Family and Community Engagement in the Pittsburgh Public Schools

This booklet of Best Practices highlights efforts in 16 of our schools that have led to families feeling empowered to become more involved and invested in the education of their children. Each school applied for and received a mini-grant of up to $1,000 to develop school-based family engagement strategies specifically aimed at increasing participation in school and District opportunities and in the District-coordinated annual Parent Survey.