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Home Access Center

Guardian Login: eSchoolPLUS Home Access Center (HAC)

Your student’s achievement at your fingertips.

Welcome to the Pittsburgh Public Schools Home Access Center. Stay up-to-date with your child's assignments, grades and scheduling! 


eSchoolPLUS Home Access Center (HAC):

Parents can view real-time information through a convenient web portal anywhere and at any time including:
  • Schedules
  • Attendance
  • Published Assignments
  • Quick Links to Communicate with Teachers
  • Class Averages
  • Report Card Information
  • Transcript Grades

Free Mobile Access:

HAC is also accessible via a free mobile device app, called: "eSchoolPLUS Family". Supported devices include: iOS 7.1+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and Android 4.0.3

Who should I call if I have an issue?

Parents should check with their child's school first to ensure that their contact information is accurate in the student information system. Parents can also reach out to the Parent Hotline by phone 412-529-HELP (4357), email or by submitting a Let's Talk ticket. The Parent Hotline operates from Monday through Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM.

Account Access:

Account access/credentials are based on a person being identified as a Parent/Guardian for a student or students in our student information system (SIS).
Each school is responsible for maintaining parent/guardian information. Information currently on record is from enrollment forms, emergency care forms, and change of address communications.
  • Parents/guardians with children attending more than one school will have a single account linked to all of their children.
  • A parent with multiple accounts or missing a student in the account view should check with their child's school(s) to ensure that they are properly identified as the same guardian for all students.
  • If more than one parent/guardian needs an account, each parent/guardian will need to be listed in the District's student information system as a parent/guardian.
  • To ensure information is up to date and all desired adults are listed as parent/guardian, a parent should check with their child's school to make sure.


Forgot your username/password?

If your child is enrolled in PPS, you have a HAC account. Call the Parent Hotline at 412-529-HELP (4357) to answer a few security questions and receive your account information. The Parent Hotline operates from Monday through Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM. You may also email with your name, child(ren)'s name, and a number to best reach you during business hours.