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FACE Training 2023

This is a custom app called Important Announcement which does not exist in Composer elements. Please work with your Client Enablement Consultant or join a Best Practice Workshop on how to add the content using Composer best practices.

FACE Coordinator Training 2023

site manager acceess

Scroll to the bottom of your site and click "Site Manager" to login.



Username: The first part of your email address.

For example, if your email is, your user name would be mgallagher2

Password: Your PPS password (this will automatically update every time you do)


FACE Coordinators and Principals have access to your school webpage. 

If you do not have access, please email Marlie Gallagher for assistance.


School Handbooks Check


  • Navigate to "Handbooks and Procedures" (Middle column) and click the pencil icon to edit
  • You should see your schools Handbook for the current school year at the top. If your handbook has not been uploaded, please do so now. (PDF files only)
  • Click the green button in the first column STATUS that says "Active" next to last year's handbook, so it is no longer visible on the website.




Sharing Good News

If your school has news that you would like to share, please email with any links/files/images, and I will handle uploading these on the district site as well as your schools webpage.

site manager acceess

Scroll to the bottom of your site and click "Site Manager" to login.



Username: The first part of your email address.

For example, if your email is, your user name would be mgallagher2

Password: Your PPS password (this will automatically update every time you do)


FACE Coordinators and Principals have access to your school webpage. 

If you do not have access, please email Marlie Gallagher for assistance.


School Handbooks Check


  • Navigate to "Handbooks and Procedures" (Middle column) and click the pencil icon to edit
  • You should see your schools Handbook for the current school year at the top. If your handbook has not been uploaded, please do so now. (PDF files only)
  • Click the green button in the first column STATUS that says "Active" next to last year's handbook, so it is no longer visible on the website.




Sharing Good News

If your school has news that you would like to share, please email with any links/files/images, and I will handle uploading these on the district site as well as your schools webpage.