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Student Envoy Project




The Student Envoy Project focuses on mobilizing students directly; engaging them as active and essential partners in improving their academic performance and impacting classroom and school culture.  In participating schools, this program builds a group of student leaders called Student Envoys, who are trained and provided with support to lead a cultural change with their peers throughout the building. In partnership with the Efficacy Institute, the Student Envoy Project at Pittsburgh Public Schools began implementation in 2015


King Feedback Session

Students are nominated by school staff based on leadership abilities, representation of strong character, and a willingness to positively impact classroom and school culture.  Once nominated, all students are expected to participate in a district-wide Student Envoy Camp that introduces these emerging leaders to the program, their key roles in this position, and the 5 Secrets of the Efficacy Institute. Following camp, Student Envoys are expected to fulfill the following roles within their building:  

  • Role Models: Students use and demonstrate the 5 Secrets in their daily lives, setting a positive example. 
  • Vectors: Students spread the 5 Secrets to their peers. 
  • Leaders: Students listen to their peers' concerns, identify, and address issues in their schools by enhancing already established programs and, when needed, creating new projects to direct positive change. 


Student Envoys in Action


Arlington Holiday Decorating2
Carmalt MS
Carmalt Toy Drive 6
Colfax Posters2
Schiller Community Service Project
Mifflin Community Service
UPrep Ice Skating3
Whittier Strong Side Notes2
Westinghouse Bathroom Makeover3
Westwood Strong Side Poster



To learn more about the Student Envoy Project, email Annie Cillo (