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Restorative Practices

Helping Students Build Strong and Healthy Relationships - In School and In Life

Restorative Practices is a positive way of living—NOT a disciplinary tool. Through Restorative Practices, students learn to connect with teachers and other students to build a strong community. They develop appropriate social-emotional skills, come to understand how their actions affect others, and work to repair any harm done. It is an approach built on respect, communication, and strategies for success. We understand that when everyone is treated with respect, classrooms are safe and healthy environments that support both teaching and learning.

Part of the PPS Multi-Tiered System of Supports

The goal of Restorative Practices is meaningful accountability. It is designed to help students understand the impact of their behavior, and find ways to “restore” their place in the school community.

Although it is not a disciplinary tool, Restorative Practices is accompanied by appropriate consequences. Think of it as one prong in our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). In the event that a student needs additional support to correct behavior, Restorative Practices follows a specific protocol that might include impromptu one-on-one conferences between the student and principal, teacher, or guidance counselor and/or a more formal conference that includes a parent or guardian.

During Restorative Practices conferences, there is always a focus on bringing the student back into the school community.

Important note: Restorative Practices separates the deed from the doer. Every student is valued as a person!