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What Does PBIS Look Like in a School?


What Does PBIS Look Like in A School?

It looks like many students are being recognized for doing the respectful, responsible, and safe thing. Although comments will vary, depending on the students’ ages and abilities, PBIS may sound like a teacher saying these things:

  • I like how you are being respectful and waited your turn instead of shouting out the answer.
  • Good job sitting down as soon as the bell rang – way to be responsible.
  • Nice work completing that assignment on time!
  • Thanks for working quietly when we had a classroom visitor.
  • You’re doing a great job of staying organized.

You’ll hear similar comments anywhere on school grounds— on the playground, in the cafeteria, in the halls, or on the bus. For example:

  • Glad to see you’re not pushing and shoving in line – way to be safe!
  • Thanks for keeping your hands and feet to yourself.
  • I’m glad you threw that trash in the wastebasket.
  • You helped to clean up that spill! Thank you!
  • You made a good decision to talk to an adult about that problem. You made a good decision to talk to an adult about that problem.

Adults are Accountable, Too

At Pittsburgh Public Schools, we understand that positive behavior must be entrenched in our culture. Teachers, principals, and other PPS staff members follow specific guidelines to ensure that PBIS is being implemented in a positive, strategic way. They attend professional development sessions to strengthen their knowledge of PBIS interventions and supports, and discuss ways to improve PBIS in their schools. The District collects data, and uses it to improve the way PBIS is delivered in every school.