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Program Information for Parents

Out-of-School Time

Summer B.O.O.S.T. Program

Frequently Asked Questions 


Last Updated on 2/8/2024

What is the Summer B.O.O.S.T. program?

The PPS Summer B.O.O.S.T. program is a no-cost summer learning program designed to support students with building positive relationships and creating opportunities for exploration that put youth on track for their future academic success in a thriving and fun environment.

  • B - Building Positive Relationships
  • O - Opportunities for Exploration
  • O - On Track for Your Future
  • S - Supporting Academic Success
  • T - Thriving in a Fun Environment

For current K-7 students, B.O.O.S.T. is a full-day program running from 8:00am - 3:30pm. Every morning, students will participate in a 90 minute block of Math and a 90 minute block of English-Language Arts instruction, each led by a PPS expert teacher. Every afternoon, each participant will have the opportunity to engage in exciting and fun enrichment activities led by one of our community providers. Previous activities have have included kayaking, ceramics, LEGO building, and more! 

When is the Summer B.O.O.S.T. program?

The 2024 program will take place Monday - Friday from June 26 - July 26 (no camp on Thursday, July 4 or Friday, July 5). 


Where will my child attend the program? 

The program will be taking place in-person across three regional sites. Site placements will be informed primarily by home address (based on student records in our system). We anticipate being able to share site placement in early June once the program application has closed and transportation has been determined. 

Pittsburgh Arlington | 800 Rectenwald St, Pittsburgh, PA 15210

Pittsburgh King | 50 Montgomery Pl, Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Pittsburgh Obama | 515 N Highland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

If you have recently moved, please confirm your address with your child's school as this will impact camp site placement.

Who is eligible to apply? 

All students currently in grades K-7 at a Pittsburgh Public School are eligible to apply to attend BOOST

How do I sign my child up?

 Visit to access the online application, beginning March 11, 2024. apply by 5 pm on May 3.

My child receives services through PSE. Can they attend Summer B.O.O.S.T.?

Absolutely! The program enrollment is open to all PPS students who have completed K-7th grade.

When will I find out if my child is accepted into the program? 

We anticipate letting families know their child's status in late May.

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