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Become an Approved OST Provider


An Out-of-School Time (OST) partner is an organization that offers recurring programming and services that take place in or out of the school building, and before, during, or after school. These programs are designed with learning objectives and positive student outcomes in mind, whether that be academic, socioemotional, or physical (before care, after school, mentoring, etc.). They are also opt-in and not referral based. An OST partner would not include mental health and social services offered through Student Support Services and Student Assistance Program providers or someone working with a school for a limited time or a onetime event.

Organizations that do not currently have a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with our office must complete our New Provider Application. The responses to this application are built into a Logic Model and reviewed for alignment to District goals and OST alignment. New providers are considered on a quarterly basis and can be extended into the next school year. We will accept new provider applications four times this year. The tentative deadlines for the 2024-25 school year will be: 

• Summer: closes June 21, 2024  for July Board Approval
• Fall: closes September 23, 2024  for October Approval  
• Winter: closes December 20, 2024  for January Board approval  
• Spring: closes March 21, 2025 for April Board Approval  


On a yearly basis, all current providers are asked to renew and extend their partnership by completing our Returning Provider Application. This application should only be completed by organizations that have an MOU on file with the Out-of-School Time office.



If you have any questions about the OST provider application process please contact us at 

OST Words