Office of Out-of-School Time
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Our Mission
The Office of Out-of-School Time exists to ensure that all PPS students have access and exposure to opportunities that complement, enhance, and extend learning that occurs during the school day through a coordinated network of high-quality community partners.
Out-of-School Time (OST) isn’t defined by where learning occurs, but when and how. OST providers offer recurring programming and services that that take place in or out of the school building, and before, during, or after school. These programs are designed with learning objectives and positive student outcomes in mind, whether that be academic, socioemotional, or physical. They are also opt-in and not referral based. While we know the value of mental health and social services, these supports are offered through Student Support Services and Student Assistance Program (SAP) providers.
Our areas of work include:
- Recruiting and managing partnerships with more than 150 community-based organizations through a quarterly approval process designed to connect students across the district to high-quality programming aligned with their needs and interests
- Overseeing the District Summer BOOST program that directly serves over 1,000 Pittsburgh Public School students
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