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The Gifted Identification Process


A mentally gifted student is one with outstanding intellectual and creative ability, the development of which requires individually designed programs and/or support services. The term gifted is a special education identification for a person who has an IQ of 130 or higher or has a profile which strongly indicated gifted ability through multiple criteria. The identification process for gifted education encompasses a broad range of evaluation measures, including but not limited to, teacher recommendation, student-created portfolio, psychologist evaluation, checklist of giftedness indicators, and/or standardized test scores. Check out the Parent Resource Guide for more information or email us!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Step 1:  Request for Evaluation

  • Parents submit a written request to their child's school counselor to have their child evaluated for gifted services. Parents are limited to one request per school year.  
  • Parents sign and return a Permission to Evaluate form that was provided by the school counselor. 
  • School counselor or social worker gathers information on the student and the school psychologist conducts a psychological evaluation.
  • School-based staff develops a Gifted Written Report (GWR).
  • The Gifted Multidisciplinary Team (parents, school psychologist, teachers) review the GWR and makes a recommendation regarding the need for specially designed instruction within 60 days of the Permission to Evaluate.                                                                                                                                                                              

Step 2:  Notice of Recommended Assignment (NORA)

  • If the team does find the student is in need of Gifted Support Services, a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) is written within 30 days.  This personalized plan allows for differentiated instruction and support where needed.
  • If the team does not find the student is in need of Gifted Support Services, the student will remain in his/her regular education placement.
  • Parents have 10 days to return the NORA.  Gifted services cannot begin without a signed NORA.

To begin the identification process, please contact your child's school counselor and request a Permission to Evaluate form. They will guide you through the next steps.