Gifted and Talented Frequently Asked Questions
My child attends a private/parochial school, can my child receive services at the Gifted Center?
We are not able to offer any “dual enrollment” opportunities for non-PPS students at the Gifted Center.
My child was tested and identified as mentally gifted but chose to attend a private school instead. Does my child need to be retested to receive gifted services when they enroll in a Pittsburgh Public School in the future?
This depends on how long ago your child was tested, and if your child has a current GIEP. Typically, a re-evaluation should take place every two years for students without an active GIEP. This decision tree may help you determine whether your child needs to be re-evaluated.
1. Does the student have a previous GIEP?
Yes (if yes, move to step 2)
No (if no, move to step 3)
2. End Date of the most recent GIEP____________ More than 2 years old on December 15th of the current school year?
Yes (if yes, move to step 3)
No (if no, no new evaluation is needed if your student is enrolling for gifted services during the current or next school year)
3. Date of most recent psychological exam __________
More than 3 years old?
Yes (if yes, your student needs to be re-evaluated)
No (if no, please submit a supporting portfolio)
If I move from out of state and my child was identified as gifted, do I need to have my child retested?
All non-military, out of state transfers are required to complete a new evaluation and Gifted Written Report.
If I move from another school district in Pennsylvania will my child receive gifted services?
If a student moves from one school district in Pennsylvania to another, the new district must implement the existing GIEP to the extent possible and must provide the services and programs specified in an interim GIEP agreed to by the parents until a new GIEP is developed and implemented. A reevaluation may be necessary prior to developing a new GIEP.
I am not sure when my psychological evaluation is—who should I contact?
Please contact psychological services at: 412-529-3132.
When and where can I get the results of the evaluation?
The psychologist evaluating your child will contact you to share the psychological assessments results. It is important to keep in mind that the psychological results are only a part of the total Gifted Evaluation. The determination of whether there is a need for gifted services is made by the Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team and the final recommendation will be issued by the Gifted Support Office. After your child is tested and all necessary forms compiled, a team reviews the information and makes a recommendation. If your child attends Dilworth and Grandview, the Gifted Resource teacher at your child’s school will contact you regarding the recommendation. If your son or daughter is in grades K- 8 at any other school, you will be contacted by the Gifted Center staff regarding the recommendation. If your child is in grades 9- 12, the Gifted Support Office will contact you regarding the recommendation. Summer testing results will typically be available in September of the same year; however, summer days do not count against the deadline for conducting an evaluation.
What happens if my child does not qualify for gifted services?
Your child will continue to receive regular education services. If you disagree with the recommendation, you should consult the procedural safeguards notice issued with the NORA, which sets forth your procedural rights.
How often can my child get tested if they do not qualify?
One time per school year.
What happens if my child qualifies for gifted educational services?
If a child is identified as requiring gifted services, the parents are contacted and invited to attend the Gifted Individual Educational Plan (GIEP) meeting. At this meeting, the results of the testing are shared and a GIEP is written. Also, a Notice of Recommended Assignment (NORA) is signed by the parent. This establishes, by law, the student’s right to gifted educational services and the District’s obligation to provide those services.
What requirements do students need to meet to earn the CAS seal on their diploma?
Gifted and Talented students who take eight CAS, AP, or IB courses (or any combination) and complete three Long Term Projects are eligible to receive the CAS seal on their diploma.