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Centers for Advanced Study (CAS)

Centers for Advanced Study courses are high-level, enriched and accelerated honors courses that follow the Purdue Three-Stage model and create opportunities for student-led inquiry, deep investigation of interest-based topics, and collaborative long-term projects.  CAS courses are awarded an additional .5 weight to account for the added rigor that is infused into the curriculum.  Gifted students are supported by a school-based CAS facilitator who manages a student's Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP).  Please see below for CAS Facilitator contact information.


The CAS program provides for enriched and specially designed instruction in the following ways:
  • An inquiry/problem solving approach to learning
  • Advanced media and computer technology support
  • Independent studies
  • Long-Term Projects supported by teacher, community and/or university mentors
  • Program facilitator(s) at each site


The Gifted and Talented Model

The Centers for Advanced Studies (CAS) program include enriched and accelerated courses for gifted and academically talented students. The CAS enriched core curricula include two- four-year sequences in English, Mathematics, Science, and World Languages. Access to accelerated courses begin freshmen year with AP offered all four years for the Social Studies courses.

The CAS application process will open December 9, 2024, and close February 2, 2025. Please encourage your student to:

  • maintain a “B” or higher in all core subject areas (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language)
  • maintain an overall G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher
  • maintain 90% or higher attendance 

PPS CAS Course Enrollment Process 

PPS students will no longer submit a CAS application. PPS 8th and 9th grade students with a GPA of at least 2.75 and 85% attendance will receive a CAS letter. Only PPS students with a GPA of 2.75 – 2.99 must submit a teacher recommendation. Standardized test scores will not be included in the process.

PPS 8th grade eligible CAS students (3.0 GPA, 90% attendance, and core courses with at least a "B") will be automatically enrolled in the CAS courses. These courses will be listed in the CAS eligibility letter. To enroll in a CAS math course the student must currently be enrolled in at least Algebra I. Parents/Guardians can opt their student out of a specific CAS course or all CAS courses by contacting their student’s counselor/social worker by the beginning of March.

PPS students in high school who meet the CAS criteria will schedule CAS courses of interest during their course scheduling period. The student will select the CAS course(s) of interest in the subject area(s) the student meets the academic requirement of having at least a "B" in the course.


Non-PPS Student CAS Course Enrollment Process

The application will open December 09, 2025 and close February 2, 2025. 

If you have any questions, please contact Emelda Jones at