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CAS Course Eligibility FAQ


If my child met the Final Eligibility for a course does this mean that they will be scheduled for this course?  
Meeting Final Eligibility is not a confirmation of actual enrollment in the CAS course(s).   Placement is not guaranteed and scheduling will depend on course availability, as school offerings may change over the summer.  Please contact your school counselor to discuss course scheduling.

Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my child’s schedule and/or courses?  
Please contact the counselor or principal at your child’s school if you have questions about courses or scheduling.

Who do I contact if I think that there is a mistake in my student’s data that was used to determine Final Eligibility?
Please contact  the Gifted and Talented Office  if you believe that there may be an error or if you have questions regarding eligibility.

Can my child’s eligibility change before the start of school?
Only students with new standardized test scores will be considered for a change.  Once the assessment information is received by the district our office will evaluate the information and notify you of any change to your child’s eligibility status.

If my child did not meet the Final Eligibility requirements for a course for the upcoming school year, are they able to apply for CAS courses in the future?  
Students may apply for courses for the following school year beginning in December.  Please do not submit the prior year’s application when applying for courses.  A new application will be available in December.  

What are the requirements to remain in a CAS course?
Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA, 90% attendance and a grade of a “B” or higher for the final course grade in order to continue on to the next CAS course in the course path.

If my child met eligibility, enrolls in and completes the course, and meets all of the criteria to continue, do they need to submit an application for the next year?
No, students who have met the eligibility requirement and all of the requirements to remain in the course do not need to submit an application for the next CAS course in the course path.  If they would like to take additional CAS courses not in the course path, they will need to submit an application for those courses.