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Emerging Educators *NEW!*

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Emerging Educators

The Pittsburgh Brashear Teaching Academy is transitioning from being classified as a PPS Magnet Offering and will instead be offered as a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program of Study (CIP 13.0101).  The existing Academy will close at the end of the 2023-24 school year.  The new CTE teaching program, which will continue to be housed at Pittsburgh Brashear, will open in the 2024-25 school year.  The program name has been changed to “Emerging Educators.”

Under CTE, this program will gain sustainable funding and formal partnerships with post-secondary institutions.  Students will be eligible for dual enrollment credits, industry-recognized certifications,  and work-based learning opportunities.  The program will also be designed to help address the teacher shortage in Pittsburgh Public Schools.

Emerging Educators is for students who are interested in exploring teaching as a profession.  Through coursework, teacher observation, lesson planning, tutoring younger students, and actually teaching classes, students will develop the fundamental communication, leadership, decision-making and practical skills necessary to prepare for careers at the elementary or secondary education levels.  

 The Emerging Educators' Program is offered at the following school:

  • Pittsburgh Brashear

Certifications To Be Offered:

  • First Aid
  • Pediatric CPR
  • Mandated Child Reporter
  • Microsoft Office
  • OSHA


Competency Task List

The Competency Task List, issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), is a detailed list of the skills students must learn in each program of study.  When a student masters a competency task, the program instructor certifies this by placing their initials next to the task in the student’s Competency Task List Booklet.  This booklet is provided to each CTE student during the first year of the program.  The CTE instructor uses this booklet to keep track of the student’s progress.

See the Emerging Educators' Competency Task List.

Students who are successful in the Emerging Educators' program have the opportunity to earn FREE college credits, as part of this program of study.