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Emergency Response Technology

ERT Student 1
ERT Student 2
Emergency Response Technology

In the CTE Emergency Response Technology (ERT) program, students learn to apply technical knowledge and skills required to perform entry level duties in fire fighting,  emergency medical services, and law enforcement.

Physical development and self-confidence skills are emphasized due to the nature of the specific occupations. Students will apply their knowledge of math, physics, civics and communication while performing skills in the areas of criminal justice, fire safety, emergency management and pre-hospital care. 
CCAC Dual Enrollment Credits are available through this program.

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The ERT Program is offered at the following school:

  • Pittsburgh Westinghouse High School

Certifications Offered:

  • Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Hazardous Materials First Responder Awareness
  • PA Essentials of Firefighting
  • National Incident Management Systems
  • Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers (BLS)

Competency Task List

The Competency Task List, issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), is a detailed list of the skills students must learn in each program of study.  When a student masters a competency task, the program instructor certifies this by placing their initials next to the task in the student’s Competency Task List Booklet.  This booklet is provided to each CTE student during the first year of the program.  The CTE instructor uses this booklet to keep track of the student’s progress.

See the E.R.T. Competency Task List.

Students who are successful in the ERT program have the opportunity to earn FREE college credits, as part of this program of study.