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Assessment Home


Vision Statement
Purposeful, high quality, and relevant assessments will be used to provide integral, meaningful, and timely data to the PPS community.  This information will be used to guide student-focused decision making and instructional practices to teachers and administrative staff.  The educational community will have the information, resources, and necessary support to evaluate and promote student learning and growth throughout the students’ academic years at PPS, thus preparing them for College and/or Career Readiness and excellence.
Assessment Mission
  • Develop high quality, purposeful assessments.
  • Implement improvements to the assessment portfolio that include multiple assessment and item types, authentic assessments and performance  tasks.
  • Secure technology that fosters more efficient assessment development and administration processes.
  • Ensure timely delivery of assessment results.
  • Provide student-focused reporting based on user input and feedback.
  • Provide data use and inquiry support to school and central office staff.
  • Develop materials and resources to enhance and support assessment literacy for the entire PPS community.
  • Implement regular assessment communication to the entire PPS community.