Advanced Placement (AP)
Updates for AP Students
AP students! Finish the year strong by seizing the opportunity to earn college credit through AP Exams.
Here’s what you can do to start preparing:
- Talk to your AP teacher or your school’s AP coordinator about this year’s AP Exam formats and make sure that you’re registered for your exams.
- Join your AP teacher’s class section in AP Classroom, if you haven’t already, to gain access to free resources to help you stay on track with your course.
- Watch short AP Daily videos in AP Classroom to continue building your knowledge and skills.
- Tune in to AP Daily: Live Review on YouTube, April 19-29.
- Be on the lookout for our school’s AP Exam schedule.
Visit for additional information.
AP Exam testing 2022-2023: AP exams will occur May 1-11, 2023. Students and parents, please visit the College Board website for specific AP exam dates and times.
Free Study AP Support: Free Study AP Support: AP Saturday Study Sessions are FREE study sessions for PPS students enrolled in the AP courses. AP Saturday Study Sessions will occur in person at Sci-Tech Academy for the 2023-2024 school year. The dates are February 10th, March 16th, and April 13th. Please contact Ms. Emelda Jones for further questions. Students and parents can click here to register for AP Saturday Study Sessions.
AP Classroom: Please contact your AP teachers about AP classroom. Each AP course has unit topic resources, progress monitoring checks for each unit, and a dashboard for the student to track their progress throughout the course.
AP Daily Videos: AP Daily videos are short on-demand segments, led by expert AP teachers, that cover all course content and skills. Teachers can assign them for out-of-class work so students can use valuable class time for more focused engagement with students, or students can access the videos on their own via YouTube. Please contact your student’s teacher for further information about the AP Daily videos being assigned to the class.
What is Advanced Placement?
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a nationally recognized set of rigorous classes, where students study advanced material, more in-depth and at an accelerated pace. The classes are designed for students who want to experience challenging, college-level material and give students a head start in college.
Benefits of AP Courses/AP Exams
There are three major benefits to taking AP courses in high school. They are:
Benefit # 1: Be a more attractive candidate to colleges.
- Students who take AP courses and do well on exams are more attractive candidates for competitive colleges and trade/technical schools because they display a commitment to academic excellence by taking the most rigorous courses available.
Benefit # 2: Be more prepared for college.
- According to a 2001 Admissions Trends Survey by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), grades in rigorous courses such as AP are the single most important factor in college admission decisions. Research also shows that students who score a 3, 4, or 5 on AP exams are 3 times more likely to earn a college degree than those who do not score well. They are also significantly more likely to earn a degree than those not enrolled in AP courses at all.
Benefit # 3: Earn College Credit and Save Money
- Over 90% of 4-year colleges in the U.S. provide college credit and/or advanced placement for students who score a 3, 4, or 5 on the AP exam. This not only gives students a head start on college, it also saves them money.
Can I Take AP Courses?
- You scored well on the PSAT during 10th grade and show AP potential.
- You had A's or B's during 10th grade in the subjects you are interested in taking.
- You are interested in the subject and preparing for college· You are willing to try new things.
- Your teachers think you would succeed in AP.
- You have a determination to do well and are disciplined.
How Can I Help Ensure My Student Is Ready For AP?
- Talk to your student's counselors about enrolling him/her in Advanced Placement courses.
- Stay in contact with your student's school and teachers.
- Talk to your student every day about his/her school work, education, and life-long goals.
- Insist that your student accepts responsibility for learning and behavior.
- Establish your expectations for your student's grades and communicate those to your student.
- Insist on good attendance. Students who maintain at least 90% attendance may be eligible to receive a scholarship for college from the Pittsburgh Promise.