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The goal of secondary science education in Pennsylvania is to produce scientifically literate citizens through an inquiry-based approach that builds understanding of fundamental scientific processes and principles of biology, chemistry, physics, Earth science, and Ecology. However, scientific literacy is not limited to the understanding of fundamental scientific principles. It also involves proficiency in scientific reasoning and the ability to critically analyze the interplay between science, technology, and society. The PPS science curriculum provides opportunities for students to practice and apply this type of thinking, thereby cultivating scientific literacy while strengthening overall critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. 

This program supports the following goals for students:

  • Use such cognitive skills as critical thinking, problem solving, and analyze ethical issues
  • Demonstrate mastery of the processes of scientific inquiry through the use of the Eight Science and Engineering Practices
  • Understand scientific concepts
  • Understand that science is a way of knowing
  • Understand the personal, social, and ethical implications of science
  • Use educational technologies as tools for learning

PPS Science Theory of Action

If we commit to equitable time in engaging science instruction, resource allocation for science instruction, and build the capacity of educators to provide investigative opportunities for students to engage in science and engineering practices, then we will develop students who are scientifically literate, critical thinkers and problem solvers.

The goal of science education in Pittsburgh Public Schools is to produce scientifically literate citizens through a practice/investigative approach that builds an understanding of fundamental scientific processes and principles of biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth and Space science. However, scientific literacy is not limited to the understanding of fundamental scientific principles. It also includes proficiency in scientific reasoning and the ability to critically analyze the interplay between science,

technology, and society. To meet this goal, PPS adheres to an integrated curriculum framework, which provides opportunities for students to investigate and experience phenomena as it applies to science. This cultivates scientific literacy while strengthening overall critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills by exercising the NGSS Eight Science and Engineering Practices.


Curriculum Department Contact Information

Rob Baier, Executive Director of STEM

Rhonda Graham, Science Curriculum Supervisor K-12

Lisa Milan, Science ​Curriculum Coordinator​​ K-12