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Students and Government Council (SAGC)

Students and Government Council (SAGC)

About the SAGC

The Pittsburgh Public Schools Students and Government Council (SAGC), formerly known as the YPBC, was created in 2017 by Councilman Corey O’Conner in recognition that youth and children’s voices are usually excluded from the political process, as they are not allowed to vote, and are not well equipped to advocate for their preferred policies.

SAGC Members will:

  • Learn about district, city, and state policies and political structures.
  • Be a liaison between their community and the school board, city council, and state legislatures.
  • Share the interests and concerns of families in their community at the district with administrators, city council staff, and state legislators.
  • Have open discussions about ideas.
  • Work on an advocacy project.
  • Meet twice a month as a Council.

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