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Student Voice Homepage

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Student Testimonials

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  • About

    What is Student Voice?

    Student voice is the practice of educators intentionally, purposefully, and systematically eliciting student viewpoints on a specific topic for improvement purposes.

    Concerning Student Voice, it is always critical to seek first to understand.

    To reach this goal, district-wide data was used to identify the underrepresented students and create an opportunity for leadership and development.

    The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council was created in 2017.

    The stakeholder nominated and peer elected student leaders went through intensive leadership training and took on the committee work at the school-level and the district-level.

    The District has taken multiple steps to raise student voice in addition to launching the district-wide council, including:

    • seeking student input on the suspension ban planning and implementation
    • including students in the development of Imagine PPS themes and groups
    • sponsored the Project Manager, Student Voice and student representatives to attend the Classroom Without Borders Poland Study Seminar
    • supported various student-driven virtual projects such as, the “Month of Non-violence”,  the Covid-19 educational campaign, and the work around voter registration.

    The work has truly shifted to a place where the work is student-led. 

    This website is a pure representation of the Student Voice work at Pittsburgh Public Schools as it is designed by student leaders who are knee deep into the work and committed to ensure that student voice is a staple of the work that happens at PPS!


    Student and Government Council SAGC

    About the SAGC

    The Pittsburgh Public Schools Students and Government Council (SAGC), formerly known as the YPBC, was created in 2017 by Councilman Corey O’Conner in recognition that youth and children’s voices are usually excluded from the political process, as they are not allowed to vote, and are not well equipped to advocate for their preferred policies.

    SAGC Members will:

    • Learn about district, city, and state policies and political structures.
    • Be a liaison between their community and the school board, city council, and state legislatures.
    • Share the interests and concerns of families in their community at the district with administrators, city council staff, and state legislators.
    • Have open discussions about ideas.
    • Work on an advocacy project.
    • Meet twice a month as a Council.

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  • This is a custom app called Facts and Figures which does not exist in Composer elements. Please work with your Client Enablement Consultant or join a Best Practice Workshop on how to add the content using Composer best practices.

  • Building the Leaders of Tomorrow

    district map