Equity Staff
The Staff
The Office of Equity Staff coordinates and supports the District’s equity initiatives which are directly aligned to the Conciliation Agreement of 2006 and the quinquennial Memorandum of Understanding.
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Student Equity Advocates
Student Equity Advocates consistently support designated groups of historically marginalized students across secondary schools by increasing their exposure to positive role models, extended learning, postsecondary options and access to social, cultural, and identity enrichment. Student Equity Advocates work independently and as a collective, as well as in conjunction with school community stakeholders, to strengthen students’ sense of belonging and agency, relationships with their peers and community, and investment in education that will foster current and future success and life-readiness.
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The Equity Advisory Panel
Formed in October 2006, the Equity Advisory Panel is charged with monitoring, advising and reporting on the District’s progress. The Panel also recommends research-based strategies, methods, techniques and programs that support racial equity. The original Conciliation Agreement also required that the District provide administrative support to coordinate the Conciliation Agreement as well as oversee the monitoring and assessment of data.
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The Racial Equity Affiliates
Racial Equity Affiliates are a cohort of leaders for racial equity charged with supporting the identification and interruption of institutionalized racism within the District in service of our goals of accelerating student achievement and eliminating racial disparities. Through providing professional learning opportunities, internalizing and facilitating the use of the Courageous Conversations about Race™ Protocol and Guidelines for Equitable Decision Making, advocating on behalf of students, families, communities, and employees of color, and modeling an equitable mindset in their practice, the Affiliates are positioned to help build the equity-focused knowledge-base and capacities of employees throughout the district to create more equitable outcomes for the students and families whom we serve.
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