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Post-Lottery Magnet Enrollment

Spaces available for the 2024-25 School Year!

Thank you for your interest in a magnet program in the Pittsburgh Public Schools. At this time, we are accepting applications for post-lottery registration for the 2024-25 school year.

Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis through the first 10 days of the school year, for students to be accepted into programs with remaining vacancies, or to be added to existing waiting lists.

All applicants must meet the eligibility criteria for the program(s) to which they are applying.

See below for an overview of the status of our magnet school/program enrollment for entry grades. This information is updated regularly. For grades other than K, 6 or 9, and for CAPA art forms, please call or email the magnet office at 412-529-3991 or 

Click here to learn about the process for submitting an application

Grade: Kindergarten
(Accurate as of 5/31/2024)


# Waitlisted

Seats Remaining

Allegheny K-5 Kindergarten

0 46

Carmalt K-5 Kindergarten

0 16

Dilworth Kindergarten

8 0

Fulton Kindergarten

1 0

Liberty Kindergarten

0 15

Linden Mandarin Kindergarten

0 14

Montessori Kindergarten

30 0

Phillips Kindergarten

0 13

Woolslair Kindergarten

2 0


Grade: 6

(Accurate as of 5/31/2024)


# Waitlisted

Seats Remaining

Allegheny 6-8 Grade 6

0 4

Carmalt 6-8 Grade 6

8 0

Classical Grade 6

0 46

Milliones (Uprep) Grade 6

0 25

Obama French Grade 6

0 0

Obama German Grade 6

0 0

Obama Mandarin Grade 6

1 0

Obama No Language Experience Grade 6

0 5

Obama Spanish Grade 6

1 0

Schiller Grade 6

6 0

Science & Technology Grade 6

32 0

Sterrett Grade 6

12 0


Grade: 9

(Accurate as of 5/31/2024)


# Waitlisted

Seats Remaining

Allderdice Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

0 48

Brashear Computer Science Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

0 0

Brashear Teaching Grade 9
Now the Emerging Educators CTE program!

Click here to learn more


Milliones (Uprep) Grade 9

0 22

Obama French Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

0 3

Obama German Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

0 0

Obama Japanese Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

0 12

Obama Mandarin Grade 
*eligibility criteria apply

0 1

Obama No Language Experience Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

19 0

Obama Spanish Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

0 4

Perry JROTC Grade 9

0 21

Perry STEAM Grade 9

0 15

Science & Technology Grade 9
*eligibility criteria apply

21 0