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Magnet Registration

Three High School students in Steam class doing experiment

Magnet Registration
Applying to a Magnet Program is easy!

Enrollment to magnet schools and programs is done via an application process and lottery (audition process for Pittsburgh CAPA), or through post-lottery registration.

The application for the 2024-25 school year closed on September 12. Check back soon for information about the application timeline and process for the 2025-26 school year.

Students must be registered in Pittsburgh Public Schools in order to apply to a magnet program. Click here to learn more about the enrollment process and required documents. All applicants who currently attend a private, parochial, or charter school, as well as all current PPS preK students, MUST complete the enrollment process prior to submitting a magnet application. The enrollment process can be done remotely.

The online magnet application for students to be considered for admission for the 2024-25 school year opened on October 16, 2023. Families of students who do not currently attend a Pittsburgh Public School can begin preparing documents to complete the enrollment process now, to obtain credentials to log in to Home Access Center (HAC) to complete the online application. The lottery deadline was December 8, 2023 at 5 pm. After this time, post-lottery applications are accepted for students to enroll in to programs with available space, or to be added to existing waiting lists.

Follow the steps below to navigate the magnet application process:

Step 1: Review Your Options. 

Learn about magnet program offerings based on the grade level(s) of your child/ren.

If you are applying during the lottery application window, pay attention to information about the eligibility criteria, weights and preferences that apply for each program. These impact your child’s chances of getting accepted in to the program(s) of your choice.

If you are applying during the post-lottery registration window, look for information about available spaces in magnet programs, and/or consider the length of the waiting list at the program(s) of your choice.

If your student does not currently attend Pittsburgh Public Schools in grades K-11, you must first complete the pre-registration process. This will provide you with your credentials to access the online application.

Step 2: Complete an Application.

Step 3: Learn Your Status.

All applicants will receive communication informing them of their status. 

If you are applying during the lottery application window, your communication will come via e-mail in mid-February.

If you are applying during the post-lottery registration window, your communication will arrive no earlier than mid-March. For post-lottery applications received throughout the spring and summer, communication is sent on a rolling basis approximately two - three weeks after receipt of a complete application.



Take Your Time.

All applications received by the deadline will receive equal consideration, so take your time to consider your options.


View our Offerings and Options Guide