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Magnet Lottery Weights

Magnet Lottery Weights

Learn about Lottery Weights for Magnet Programs

Applicants can receive weights (extra chances for admission) for the magnet lottery based on a variety of factors outlined in the District’s Administrative Regulation that sets guidelines for magnet schools and programs. Weights do not apply to applications received during post-lottery registration.

For current Pittsburgh Public Schools students, who attended a Pittsburgh Public school last school year, weights are automatically added to a child’s application based on data in our student information system.

For students new to Pittsburgh Public Schools, as well as students who did not attend a Pittsburgh Public school last school year, evidence must be submitted with the application in order for weights to be applied. The online application provides additional information on what is needed, and allows for evidence (e.g. a student's report card or transcript) to be uploaded.

  • K-5th Grade Program Weights
    • Living within the geographic region where the school is located (North/Central, East, or South/West)
    • Meeting family income guidelines
    • Having attended a PPS Pre-K program
    • Having attended a PPS Pre-K program in the building to which they are applying

  • 6th – 8th Grade Program Weights (except for Pittsburgh CAPA and SciTech)
    • Living within the geographic region where the school is located (North/Central, East, or South/West)
    • Meeting family income guidelines
    • Having 95% or better attendance in the previous school year
    • Having had no 4-10 day suspensions in the previous school year
    • Having attended a PPS elementary school

  • 9th – 12th Grade Program Weights (except for Pittsburgh CAPA and SciTech)
    • Living within the geographic region where the school is located (North/Central, East, or South/West)
    • Meeting family income guidelines
    • Having 95% or better attendance in the previous school year
    • Having had no 4-10 day suspensions in the previous school year
    • Having attended a PPS middle school

  • Pittsburgh CAPA
    • All applicants are evaluated equally based on materials submitted with their application, and the audition process.

  • Pittsburgh SciTech Program Weights
    • Scoring proficient on most recent PSSA math and reading tests
    • Meeting family income guidelines
    • Scoring in the top 50% of their class on their most recent PSSA math test
    • Having 90% or better attendance in the previous school year
    • 5th grade applicants from Pittsburgh Lincoln receive a weight for admission at 6th grade
    • 8th grade applicants from Pittsburgh Carmalt receive a weight for admission at 9th grade
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Weights Are Not a Guarantee

While having multiple weights increases the likelihood that a student will be admitted via the lottery, it is not a guarantee.

Weights are program-specific, so an applicant may have a different number of weights for their first choice program than their second choice program.

Weights do not apply to applications received during post-lottery registration. All post-lottery applications from city residents are considered on a first come, first served basis.